The following have been established as passing scores for the police departments participating in the written police entrance examination. In order to have passed the written test for:
The following have been established as passing scores for the police departments participating in the written police entrance examination. In order to have passed the written test for:
Applicants must score a minimum of 70% on the written examination. The top 50 scores after the written exam and agility test will move forward in the hiring process.
Applicants must score a minimum of 70% on the written examination. An oral examination will be offered to a maximum of the top twenty (20) candidates.
Applicants must score a minimum of 70% on the written examination. The top 25 scores after the written exam and agility test will move forward in the hiring process.
Applicants move forward at the discretion of the Township.
The minimum passing score on the written examination is 70%. Only those receiving one of the top 30 highest scores, including ties, will be eligible to continue to the oral examination phase.
Applicants must score a minimum of 70% on the written examination. An oral examination will be offered to the top forty (40) candidates after the written exam and physical agility test.
Applicants must score a minimum of 70% on the written examination. The top 50 scores after the written exam will move forward in the hiring process.
The minimum passing grade is 70% for the written examination. You must have one of the top 20 highest scores, including ties, of those taking the test for North Wales.
You must score a minimum of 70% on the written examination. The number of candidates proceeding on to the oral examination may be limited to those applicants scoring in the top percentile. These applicants shall number no less than five (5) if there is one opening, and no less than ten (10) if there is more than one opening.
You must score a minimum of 70% on the written examination. An oral examination will be offered to a minimum of the top ten (10) candidates, to include all candidates tied for the tenth position. The exact number to be offered the oral examination will be determined by the Chief of Police with consideration given to the number of potential positions to be filled.
Applicants must score a minimum of 70% on each portion of the written examination. The top 20 applicants, including ties, will be given an oral examination and will need a 70% or higher to pass. If less than 3 suitable candidates are found in the top 20 candidates, the next 10 applicants will be allowed to take the oral examination, and so on.
You must score a minimum of 70% on the written examination. You must be in the top 20% or top 30 candidates, whichever is greater, including ties, of those taking the test for Upper Moreland.
You must score a minimum of 70% on the written exam. The top 75 scores after the written exam will move forward to the agility test. The top 40 candidates after the written and agility test are eligible to move forward in the hiring process.
Applicants must score a minimum of 70% on the written examination to be eligible to take the physical agility test. Applicants scoring a minimum of 70% on the written examination and passing the physical agility test are eligible to continue to the oral examination phase.
You must score a minimum of 70% on the written exam. The top 75 scores after the written exam will move forward to the agility test. The top 40 candidates after the written and agility test are eligible to move forward in the hiring process.
Applicants must score a minimum of 70% on the written examination. The Township may limit the number of applicants notified to appear for an oral examination to the top 10 candidates, with all ties of the cut-off score being included. Interviews will be conducted when an open position occurs or is expected, otherwise a list of qualified candidates will be maintained.